DLR is the national research centre for aeronautics and space. With its transport programme, DLR is the second largest institutionally funded transport research institution in Europe. The Institute of Transportation Systems (TS) in Berlin and Braunschweig develops future-oriented solutions, for example for the transport mode road. The Institute of Transportation Systems participates in committees such as the " Automated Driving Round Table", set up by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, and is a member of acatech, the National Academy of Science and Engineering.

Examples of activities are the publicly funded reference projects PEGASUS, Set Level 4to5 and V&V Methods, in which the DLR plays a leading role. In addition to its participation in KI Delta Learning, DLR is also active in other projects of the KI Familie. Furthermore, DLR is working on a holistic solution for the development of an architecture for the sustainable and extensive provision of data and metadata in the field of AI within the GAIA-X4KI project. The resulting synergies directly benefit the KI Delta Learning project, whereby the DLR combines a more method-oriented part with interdisciplinary aspects in this project.

Relevant work priorities in KI Delta Learning are the generation of real data for ground truth usage as well as the targeted manipulation of learned knowledge of neural network structures by the investigation and iterative further development of net-internal structures and patterns under consideration of uncertainties. In KI Delta Learning, the DLR will play a major role in the areas of didactics and automotive suitability and contribute to the subprojects data acquisition, didactics and evaluation.